
What We Do

NACO was formed in Reno in 1924 under the name of Nevada County Commissioners’ Association. NACO is comprised of representatives from all 17 of Nevada’s counties, several statewide county associations called Affiliate Members, private industry representatives called Associate Members and Government Partners, statewide associations related to county government.

NACO is an acronym for Nevada Association of Counties. We are the state association for county government officials and staff.

Our Bylaws state:

The basic concept of the Association is that counties, being general purpose government encompassing both unincorporated and incorporated areas thereby servicing all people within the State, should exercise initiative and leadership and assume responsibility in dealing with problems and needs requiring attention and action on a statewide basis.

Our Vision Statement Reads:

To encourage county government to adopt and maintain local, regional, state and national cooperation which will result in a positive influence on public policy and optimize the management of county resources; to provide valuable education and support services that will maximize efficiency and foster public trust in county government.

It is our belief that county government, being closest to the people, has the best opportunity to make positive change and lead our communities into the future. We work to provide our counties with the resources to achieve this end.

Our Phone

(775) 883-7863

Our Location

304 South Minnesota Street
Carson City, NV 89703

Our Email
